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Gupta. D of pulley = 500 mm Pulley dia. e=44.belt drive mechanism drives the rotor. 2005] Minimum pitch dia. 2005] Power to be transmitted = 450 Hp = 335 KW (calculated from the crushing requirement and its drive power required) So according to the V belt standards [Khurmi R S. R S Khurmi & gupta. d = 33 mm . f= 29 mm .
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Written By- Gupta BD, Miglani N, Maheshwari RK and Gupta GL. Medical Journals Indian Med Gaz 1977 Comparative study of therapeutic efficacy of Metronidazole and Furazolidin in Giardiasis.
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Prof. Gupta is in the Editorial Board of the journals ISRN Optics and Chemical Sensors. His current areas of interest are plasmonics, fiber optic sensors and nanotechnology. He is a regular member of the Optical Society of America and life member of the Optical …
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