The active blocks are placed in containers which are then covered with lids. The cells are connected and tested to ensure air-tightness, the vents are closed to eliminate the access of air, and the battery is packed and ready for delivery.
on-line alkali strength measurement with kajaani alkali analyzer Kajaani Alkali Analyzer is a fully automatic, on-line sampling and titration analyzer for green liquor, causticizing and white liquor, made by Automation Kajaani Ltd.
It is suggested that the subcontinental mantle wedge above the subduction zone has been modified by metasomatic hydrous fluids derived from dehydration and/or melting of the subducting slab as described in active subduction zones Vidal et al., 1989, Defant and Drummond, 1990, Maury et …
On a constaté les traces, (scories) d'équipes itinérantes utilisant le minerai et le combustible présents sur place. Le bois, économiquement transportable avec les moyens de l'époque, venait rapidement à manquer du fait de la très grosse consommation.
any of various other active bases, as calcium hydroxide. 2. a soluble mineral salt or a mixture of soluble salts, present in some soils, esp. in arid regions, and detrimental to the growing of most crops. ... alkali - a mixture of soluble salts found in arid soils and some bodies of water; detrimental to agriculture.
is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of ’s ...
La présence de scories de fonte dans des creusets n'apporte pas la preuve d'une fonte du cuivre dans des creusets. Copper-rich lumps of smelting slag had been sent from the smelting sites to the Temple and was melted in small crucibles to provide copper for the casting of votive figurines.
The particular location of the Puy Beaunit, above a fertile mantle and close to a major fault active during Permian times, explains why the mafic/ultramafic xenoliths from Beaunit are exceptional compared to the suite of late-Variscan granulitic xenoliths in the FMC.
Noble metal nanoparticles have prominent surface effect, quantum size effect and active outer-shell electrons, they cause these particles to present unusual optical phenomenon, display the strong local surface plasma resonance (LSPR) effect.
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Alkali metals react vigorously with water, producing hydroxides and releasing hydrogen. The reaction with air covers the surface of the solution with oxides. In nature, ionic compounds (salts) contain alkali metals but never in a pure state.
The alkali–silica reaction (ASR), more commonly known as "concrete cancer", is a swelling reaction that occurs over time in concrete between the highly alkaline cement paste and the reactive non-crystalline silica found in many common aggregates, given sufficient moisture.
Total active alkali values of 21.8, 18.7 and 16.6%, expressed as NaOH, were required for kappa number 14, 17.5, and 21, respectively. Bleaching of pulps was carried out to …
- Dictons sur dicton 1 Nos dictons du quotidien on les connaît tous, on les utilise souvent, Dico Dictons permet de redécouvrir les dictons sur le thème .
The effects of radio-active ores and residues on plant life. A report on experiments carried out at Reading in 1914. (Reading [England] Sutton & Sons, [1915?]), by …
ILO-CIS Bulletin 1994/01 CIS 94-1 --- CIS 94-400. Laws, regulations, directives: Chemical data sheets and criteria documents: Training materials and practical information: Periodicals, books, databases, audiovisuals 001 General safety, health and conditions of work
The basanites are overlaid by two doleritic flows separated by a horizon of alteration consisting off ragments of scories, basanites and dolerites cemented by ferruginous clay material. The upper doleritehasa coarser structure with abundant vesicles exhibiting trails of degassing.
J'ai fais fondre du plomb, et j'y ai jeté une partie de régule solaire; j'ai vu, non sans admiration, que ce plomb ne se réduisait point en scories, quoique je l'ai tenu longtemps au feu; au contraire, il me paraissait comme purgé de ses impuretés, et en quelque manière changé ou trans-mué.
C04B22/00 — Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, ... Modification de scories salines provenant des processus de seconde fusion de l'aluminium et utilisation des produits obtenus comme adsorbants ... Lightweight porous aggregate comprising alkali metal borosilicoaluminate and process for the preparation thereof ...
alkali activity in French translation and definition "alkali activity ... Similar phrases in dictionary English French. (1) active alkali AA, alcali actif. stemming. Example sentences with "alkali activity", translation memory. add example ... fr Liant hydraulique à activation par des alcalis et contenant des scories …
en A method of preparing polycarbonate by the melt process comprising the steps of: a) melting a dihydric phenol and a diester of carbonic acid for a time and at a temperature sufficient to form a melt: and thereafter introducing a catalyst composition comprising a tetraorganophosphonium salt or a derivative thereof and 1) an alkali and/or alkali earth metal compound or derivative thereof or 2 ...
alkali, alkalinity, alkaline, altimeter ... suitable for incorporation in detergent compositions comprising a bleach system based on active oxygen. ... L'invention se caractérise en ce que la briquette, ainsi que le liant, contiennent des scories qui ont été activées par un agent alcalin, ...
Sa vertu aiguë et pénétrante est si active, que rien ne l'égale quand il s'agit de purifier les corps. Il conduit à maturité tout le compost, il le subtilise et le rubéfie. Il …
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L’estimation de l’érosion fondée sur la géométrie des volcans de type maar-diatrème est une méthode applicable à la reconstruction de la surface syn-volcanique et de la stratigraphie de la série sous-jacente. Toutefois les considérations relatives à l’architecture volcanique doivent seulement être utilisées comme une première approche pour déterminer le niveau initial de la ...
active. Since the forming of this Safety group over a year ago many valuable suggestions, preventative measures and direct actions have been submitted by its members to help keep our
Mélange asphaltique dans lequel l'agrégat minéral est constitué principalement par des scories ou des cendres à demi vitrifiées. pain. Abrév. blown asphalt. vers procédés à partir de cer- — — — — — — ÿ — — pétrole. artificielle {voir petroleum asphalt. pour la construction des chaussées. .
About Alkali Scientific Your Trusted Source For Research Products. Since our inception, we have been providing research laboratories with innovative, cost effective products and solutions designed to improve laboratory efficiency, safety and results.
Active, expires Application number US14399233 Other versions ... the second phase is solid and comprises silicate or calcium-based scories or slags or non soluble carbon powder phases. The solid phase can be used or is obtained, for example, when one wishes to use a mineral or mineral compound as a precursor. ... including other ...
Alkali activation is the generic term which is applied to the reaction of a solid aluminosilicate (termed the ‘precursor’) under alkaline conditions (induced by the ‘alkali activator’), to produce a hardened binder which is based on a combination of hydrous alkali-aluminosilicate and/or alkali-alkali earth-aluminosilicate phases.
des scories basaltiqucs tr~s vacuolaires expulsdes Iors d'druptions de type strombolien, l_es ... Ascension is geologically active ... silica content: alkali-basalt, trachy-dolerite, trachy-an- desite, trachyte, rhyolite. The rhyolite occurs just as
- les scories sont distribuées de manière régulière avec un doseur-à-vis, - le dioxyde de soufre est issu d’une bouteille de gaz comprimé pur, - l’acide chlorhydrique, en solution aqueuse, est introduit à l’aide d’une pompe doseuse.
----- On June 3-5, 1987 The Center for Environmental Management sponsored a conference - "Waste Reduction — The Hurdles Ahead". During this third waste reduction conference, speakers focused on the waste reduction activities of government at the national …
recausticizing chapter 2.1 - principles and practice by dale sanchez ... tta = total titratable alkali naoh + na2s + na2co3 aa = active alkali naoh + na2s ea = effective alkali naoh + ½ na2s sulfidity % na2s / aa or na2s / tta. 5 definitions ce = causticity % naoh x 100