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CompuGroup Medical went Bowling For Barrow - Let The Good Times Role Fund Raising Event Continuing to expand its support of the local Phoenix community, CompuGroup Medical (CGM) was a proud sponsor of the inaugural Bowling for Barrow event.
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What They Do: Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) monitor the body’s glucose levels in real-time by sensing the glucose present in tissue fluid (also called interstitial fluid). Glucose is another word for sugar. Whereas a meter provides a measurement of the blood glucose at a specific moment in time, a CGM provides an overview of the blood glucose levels over a period of time.
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Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a method to track glucose levels throughout the day and night. CGM systems take glucose measurements at regular intervals, 24 hours a day, and translate the readings into dynamic data, generating glucose direction and rate of change reports.
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Dexcom G6 CGM - see your glucose readings in real time with just a quick glance at your smart device. Approved for diabetes treatments with zero fingersticks and …
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