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The M628 is a special machine for milling self-cutting flutes on medical screws or for other Applications. M621 - Thread whirling machine. The M621 is a high efficiency thread whirling machine for medical screws. M544 - Thread milling machine.
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pilonner synonyms, antonyms, French thesaurus dictionary, definition, see also 'mettre au pilon',pionnier',pitonner',pionne', Reverso dictionary, French synonym ...
French: ·to bombard, to shell· to grind, to pound ... Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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A CNC machine from Pillar Machine is a justified investment into your business that is sure to bring back a return, and more. We build each machine to a high standard of innovation and production, ensuring that each CNC machine is ready to go and operating to your needs and preferences.
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Contextual translation of "pilonner" into English. Human translations with examples: pilon, shank, tamper, pestle, beater, hammer, rammers, pounder, to tamp, drumstick.
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