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Great Karimun (Karimun Besar in Indonesian) or just Karimun is one of the islands in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia, administratively part of Karimun Regency. It lies about 37 km southwest of Singapore , 54 km west of Batam , 24 km northeast of Rangsang Island and 32 km north of Kundur Island .
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Karimun is one of the most important islands in Riau Archipelago, due to its thriving economy and proximity to Singapore. Tanjung Balai Karimun is a medium-sized town, with a large Chinese community and shops selling a large variety of imported items.
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W Challenge Entry for Tangled Thursday It is Tamis turn to choose the challenge this week. This week is the . Diane Clancy creates vibrant paintings that feature color and vision to .
Karimun Java or Crimon Java (id: "Karimun Jawa") is a chain of 27 islands north of Jepara Town, off the coast of Central Java, Indonesia.. Understand []. Designated as a national marine park. Karimunjava consists of many small islands, with the two main ones being Karimunjawa island and Kemujan Island, and the smaller ones being Menjangan Besar Island, and Menjangan Kecil Island and some other ...
Stone Crusher Tanjung . Stone crusher,Stone crusher machine,Stone crusher for sale,... Stone crusher plays a very important role in modern industry and economy development, NOW there are a ...
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