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Ownership: Pascal and Jean-Marc Verhaeghe. Critics have scored this wine 90 points. Users have rated this wine 3.5 out of 5 stars. Malbec is a black-skinned grape variety native to southwestern France (specifically the area around Cahors), but ...Stores and prices for '2011 Chateau du Cedre 'Le Cedre…
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Training is an integral part of the Group’s human resources policy. It is intended, in all countries, to maintain the skills necessary for assuming positions and responsibilities, to ensure safety at work and professional development of the employees.
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To attract new customers and get new contracts for the Group, as well as to retain and secure the loyalty of the current customers, with the aim of increasing the company turnover, such are the objectives of the commercial team in the Rocher Group.
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Arbonne International LLC in Irvine, California (USA) and a sister company, Natures Gate, will be bought by Groupe Rocher on undisclosed terms.. Arbonne is a direct seller of beauty, skincare, and nutritional products while Natures Gate is a personal care brand sold in retail stores.
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