Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM; English: MARA University of Technology) is a public university in Malaysia based primarily in Shah Alam. Established in 1956 as RIDA (Rural & Industrial Development Authority) Training Centre (Malay: Dewan Latehan RIDA), it opened its doors to some 50 students with a focus to help the rural Malays.
Sektor pertanian juga berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Pelbagai kaedah moden digunakan untuk membantu petani dan juga produk yang boleh dihasilkan. Jika 5 tahun dulu kalau orang bela cacing sah orang kampung fikir dia memang kaki pancing yang fanatik sekali tetapi sekarang orang bela cacing kompos untuk tujuan pasaran persolekan.
Jun 01, 2009· Atman: Varietas Unggul Baru Padi Sawah Batang Lembang: Deskripsi dan Teknologi Budidaya ISSN 1412-5838 155 menetapkan VUB Batang Lembang sebagai salah satu paket teknologi pertanian spesifik lokasi Propinsi Sumatera Barat (BPTP Sumbar, 2004).
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Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) or Bandung Insitute of Technology or Institute of technology Bandung, was founded on March 2, 1959. The present ITB main campus is …
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Taman Agroteknologi MARDI Cameron Highlands. 5.6K likes. This park is one of the eight MARDI Agricultural Research and Innovation Centres. its research...
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The Bandung Institute of Technology or Institute of Technology, Bandung (Indonesian: Institut Teknologi Bandung, abbreviated as ITB) is a state, coeducational research university located in Bandung, Indonesia. Established in 1920, ITB is the oldest technology-oriented university in Indonesia.
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